Thursday 21 January 2010

I am not the Egg Man

In a transparent bid to sound like an ordinary bloke, Peter Mandelson has expressed an unexpected enthusiasm for “perfectly formed Creme Eggs.” I don't believe the Dark Lord's ever eaten such a common, non-aspirational piece of confectionery as a Creme Egg in his life. No, he's a slim-sophisticated-profoundly-dark-bitter-after-dinner-mint-hand-crafted-by-artisan-chocolatiers-from-the-very-finest-single-estate-high-cocoa-chocolate man if ever I saw one*.

Unless of course “perfectly formed Creme Eggs” was some sort of beastly euphemism over which we should draw a discreet veil.

*There's the germ of an entertaining game here. Match the politician with the appropriate confectionery product. What fun.