Wednesday 10 June 2009

Compare and contrast

One consolation of living in "interesting" political times is that there's plenty of room for argument. Here are some links to a few contrasting opinions worth poking with the pointy stick of critical thought. According to Mr Eugenides, Gordon Brown is Labour's chief liability:

Brown is a godsend to the Tories; for all the sniping of left-wing commentators that voters have not yet warmed to the Opposition, the truth is that standing as the not-Brown, while it may infuriate critics on left and right, will surely now be enough to see Dave elected with a handsome majority.

Or maybe, as the Flying Rodent asserts, he's merely the first problem among equals:

But let's not dance around what we've seen with last week's press circle jerk and shows like tonight's Dispatches. It's a naked attempt by a massive chunk of the nation's ruling class to pin all the faults of the country they created - the fucked financial system, the sleaze-ridden politics, the empty PR machine that is New Labour - on Brown, leaving the rest of them to get on with business as usual.

Then there's the shame and embarassment of having fascist MEPs representing British constituencies. Do you chuck eggs at the buggers?

Griffin: Egg him until he drops

Today, when standing outside the House of Commons for a press conference Nick Griffin and some attendant goons were driven off the streets by members of Unite Against Fascism, determined to show that the majority do not find fascism acceptable...

Personally I thought it was marvellous to see the little toad scuttling about all frightened and I commend the UAF members who took part in this action.

Or is that simply playing into their hands?

In case you haven’t yet seen it, here is footage from the BBC which shows members of Unite Against Fascism - a joint venture between the extremist Socialist Workers’ Party and the Ken Livingstone’s Socialist Action - mobbing the BNP leader Nick Griffin.

Eggs are thrown.

No doubt, the counter-demonstrators believe that they are “fighting fascism”.

In reality, they are helping the BNP.

I think I'm with the eggy faction - you'd need a heart of stone to deny the world the joyous spectacle of the sneering Übermensch collapsing into a blubbering wreck:

We must obviously deplore.....not the way to fight the BNP.....playing in to their hands...etc. etc.....

For some people the catastophic Euro Election results call for desperate measures ... and I mean really desperate ones:

Labour must now do what is at the back of everyone’s minds but which no-one has the balls to stand up and say - Bring Back Blair.

For others, the only hope is a left of centre popular front (well, more of a distant dream than a realistic hope):

The consensus is that the Right triumphed at the Euro elections. We say it's courtesy of a leftist vote split into a myriad of tiny fractions...There's absolutely no doubt the government was handed a drubbing of epic proportions, perhaps the natural consequence of 12 years of New Labour meticulously eating away at what was left of Britain's progressive politics. And yet, here too, the Green Party managed a historic 8.6%, suggesting many disillusioned Labour ballots found a temporary shelter.

But then witness the the depressing sight of leftists groupuscules fighting for the crumbs- if that.

Say what you like about this blogosphere thingy, but it's more thought-provoking than listening to the constipated earnestnessof Michael Buerk as he referees yet more shouty, bickering fruitloops on the Moral Maze.